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03.02.13  Carlos & Stephanie04.03.21 Freebooter Script04.10.21 Secrist Reception04.17.21 Fitts Reception05.04.13 Sharp-Laws5.19.12 1024 with 600 center05.19.12 Cloer-Looney05.27.1206.23.1207.05.14 Wallace Reception-207.12.14 Coggins 80007.14.12 Gramby Marnie Script07.31.21 Stephanie & Deonta08.12.12 Jasmine and Jacque08.23.14 Mayhall08.29.21 Gaines Reception08.31.13 Tillman-310.10.10 George and Cathy with Rings10.10.20 Jon and Kasey Webb10.24.20 Taylor and Danny Malpiede